Agile Coach
The best way to train is the one that suits you best! This is why we have set up a multi-channel and multi-faceted training offer, inspired by the 70/20/10 model: the RUBIX. Each facet allows you to explore different learning methods; the training paths and channels are individualized and tailored with and for the Extians.
of Extians trained in 2020
internal trainers
average satisfaction regarding our internal training
1 103
coffees shared by video
We learn 70% by doing The content and interest are essential. At Extia, a monthly barometer allows us to measure the degree of employee satisfaction and the interest of their assignments. We are committed to promoting professional mobility and internal promotions. Thus, 30% of the consultants change their assignments each year, and geographical mobility is facilitated between all our agencies.
20% of the learning is done by exchanging with our peers. Extians are all over France and Europe, so what? Regardless of the assignments and locations of each person, it is essential to promote interaction between employees. Learning communities, the Comets by Extia, have been created to allow Extians to meet and exchange. Dedicated to technical, cross-functional, or sectoral themes, the Comets are an opportunity to learn differently. Extia has also developed a mentoring system, allowing senior consultants to support more junior ones.
10% of the learning is done through theoretical training. Beyond external training and certifications, the RUBIX, training offer by Extia, also includes integration courses, business campuses and continuous training, to give all Extians the opportunity to develop fully in their position.
Convinced that feedbacks and sharing together are essential to develop your expertise, Extia has created the Business Communities - aka the Comets by Extia. These are real learning communities bringing together novices, enthusiasts, and experts. Today, we organize nearly 100 events per year in France and Europe addressing technical, sectoral, and cross-functional themes.
An online learning platform, the Agile Campus is our way of progressing together in becoming agile. As a "collaborative" project where experience is passed on and knowledge is shared, its objective is to make our convictions heard, to confront our doubts, and to learn together. Through our Agile Campus, our ambition is to allow everyone to learn agility, from the most beginner to the most experienced.
The Extians give you their feedback on the training offer by Extia!
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