Inside extia

The positive experience

Our ambition is huge: to give each person a positive experience within Extia's ecosystem. Because each person is unique, their experience at Extia should be as well, whether it lasts for one internship, one job interview, or many years. We do not promise you happiness, that is up to you. But we do promise that your experience at Extia will be full of learning, discoveries, and meetings that we hope will be unforgettable!


An agile culture

In an ever-changing world, it is up to individuals to find simple and effective solutions to adjust to reality. Since it is less about planning and more about adapting, agility is a culture that we have embraced.

Relationship quality

Relationship quality

The relationship quality is at the heart of our identity. So is confidence. Because we are proud of our originality, we reverse the paradigms, and it is the employees who rate their managers. Extians on assignment receive personalized and multiple support (Manager, HR and Administrative Consultant).



"He who does, is he who knows". At Extia, taking initiatives greatly matters. With an average age of 32, and nearly 90% of our managers coming from internal promotion, we encourage empowerment, especially by promoting the right to make mistakes. “Fail but fail fast” is our credo. Mistakes are an integral part of the learning process. When integrated early, it allows for a virtuous circle of trial and error.

Continuous improvement

Continuous improvement

Driven by this agile principle, Extia is committed to a co-construction approach. Extians shape the company, thanks to a strong feedback culture. Participatory surveys are often conducted to measure individual expectations, validate the implementation of measures, or identify new needs. “Test and learn” reigns supreme. Let's try, test, and improve ourselves!

Extia Manifesto

The learning company

Every opportunity is good for learning, training, and challenging yourself. Our leitmotiv is to enable Extians to be in a learning position throughout their career in the company. Because their employability is our main asset.

Our training offer is based on the 70/20/10 learning model.

Our learning model


We learn 70% by doing. DOING remains the key to improving your skills. The content and interest of the assignments offered to employees are essential at Extia. 30% of our consultants change assignments every year.


20% of the learning is done by exchanging with our peers. "Alone, you go faster; together, we go further". Extia encourages interactions between employees to allow each of them to develop their expertise alongside their peers, particularly through our Business Communities.


10% of the learning is done through theoretical training. For the remaining 10%, the RUBIX is there. We offer a customized training course, designed by and for Extians. Thanks to it, 60% of Extians are training each year at Extia.

Great place to

Happiness at work cannot be decreed, it must be cultivated! If Extia is a Great Place to Work®, it is above all thanks to the Extians and their energy, their enthusiasm, and their sense of sharing. Our role? To provide a fulfilling and stimulating professional playground, and catalyze good ideas. How? By building a working group where everyone has their own place and the freedom to express themselves and undertake.

Creating shared memories

250. This is the number of festive, sporting, and solidarity events organized each year at Extia. After all, every victory or little everyday moment of happiness deserves to be duly celebrated. As our President stated so well, these shared moments are so many common memories that Extians create together.

What you measure is what you get!

Extians satisfaction has gradually become the main performance indicator at Extia. Since 2012, we have been participating in the Great Place to Work® survey, which is a true internal barometer allowing us to evaluate the state of the company each year. In addition to reactive management of issues, this approach allows us to identify our areas for improvement and guarantee a high level of commitment and well-being.

A “collaborActive” approach

"Comme as you are". Admittedly, this quote is not ours 😉, but it sums up our philosophy perfectly. The Extians are our daily source of inspiration. Plural, different and complementary, they are in charge of growing the company. We draw on the diversity of these 2,000 "Who" to co-construct the company.

Extia's ecosystem is expanding its sphere of influence with the aim to bring together different stakeholders around common values: the individual at the center, well-being at the service of performance.

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